Monday 31 October 2011

REVISION: How True! Chinese Philosophy

When without money, keep pigs;
When have money, keep dogs.

When without money, eat wild vege at home ;
When have money, eat same wild vege in fine restaurant.

When without money, ride bicycle;
When have money, ride exercise machine.

When without money, wish to get married;
When have money, wish to get divorced.

When without money, wife becomes secretary;
When have money, secretary becomes wife.

When without money, act like rich man;
When with money, act like poor man.

人 啊,都不講實話:
Man, O Man, never tells the truth:

Says share market is bad but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil but keeps accumulating.

Says women are trouble-makers but keeps desiring them;
Says high positions are lonely but keeps wanting them.

Says smoking & drinking is bad but keeps partaking;
Says heaven is good but refused to go.

In the rural area, chicken calls man awake;
In the cities, man calls for chickens.

In the past, famous actresses will not sell their bodies;
Now, actresses will sell their bodies to become famous

What is life about?

1 歲時出場亮相
At one, YOU are the top priority

10 歲時功課至上
At ten, academic excellence is the top priority

20 ? q時春心盪漾
At twenty, getting dates is the top priority

30 歲時職場對抗
At thirty, a good career is top priority

40 歲時身材發胖
At forty, keeping your body in shape is top priority

50 歲時打打麻將
At fifty, beating others at mahjong is top priority

60 歲時老當益壯
At sixty, keeping IT up is top priority

70 歲 時 常常 健忘
At seventy, remembering something is top priority

80 歲時搖搖晃晃
At eighty, moving around is top priority

90 歲時迷失方向
At ninety, knowing directions is top priority

100 歲時掛在牆上
At 100, having your portrait on the wall is top priority!

Be good and God Bless!

Hugs&Kiss @delina@

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Manglish Very Short One

MANGLISH is short for Malaysian English.There's like 98% of us are using this langguage in everyday life.The words..The tone..The sound of the sentence..though some might argue that is MANGLED ENGLISH. Its syntax and grammar may be scattered to the monsoon but its succinct vocabulary and economy of words can't be faulted. Compare these sentences and see how much shorter and concise the Manglish version is. :P

English: Would you turn off the fan?
Manglish: Off the fan.

English: Oh dear,i'm going to be in deep trouble.
Manglish: Die!

English: Would you be so good as turn on the tap,please?
             Of course!
Manglish: Can on the tap-ah?

English: Hi.Lucy.Haven't seen you for a long time.How are you?
Manglish: Hi,Lucy! Long time no see! So how?!

English: Would you happen to have some coins?May I borrow 50sen please?
Manglish: You got coins or not? Can borrow 50 sen-ah?

English: Siva,you seemed to have lost some weight.
Manglish: Siva,you gone down oredi.

English: These durians are really good!
Manglish: Nice-lah the durian!

English: I'm not in the mood for a movie.
Manglish: No mood for movie-lah!

English: It's not necessary for you to trouble yourself.
Manglish: No need!

English: Why is that idiot honking away?
Manglish: That idiot horn for what?

English: I'd like to order a glass of plain water.
Manglish: Sky juice one!

English: Encik Kamal is out of town.
Manglish: Encik Kamal outstation!

English:Why aren't you wearing your pants?You should be ashamed of yourself.
Manglish: Why you dont wear pants??? Shame-shame-lah!

English: They asked me to sing a song at the karaoke.I was so embarrased.
Manglish: They ask me to sing karaoke.Shy only.

English: What are you talking about?That's absolutley ridiculous!
Manglish: You talk what?Rubbish-lah!

English: He's quite an unusual character.
Manglish: He's one kind one-lah!

English: I have yet to pay the summons
Manglish: Norchet pay the saman.

English: Would you reverse your car?
Manglish: Gostan!

English: Would you like some rambutans for dessert?
               I don't want,thank you.
Manglish: You want rambutan for dessert or not?

English: Why are you so long winded?
Manglish: Talk so much for what?

English: She's always lying through her teeth,she's beyond help!
Manglish: She always bluff one.Gone case-lah she.

There are many of them.but until this only for now.will be continued..stay tune ^.^

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Fun,Busy,Noisy Life

Hey! Watcha doin'? So here I am updating my 3rd post on my blog. Quite busy actualy.With all kids stuff..this thing,that things,pack pack,and many more. Havin 2 kids are much diffrent than having one. I feel like in a zoo you know what I mean?With all the noises from Adelya,crying baby Aiden..and noisy noise that came out from me,bubbling all day everyday..haha..Well,that's what all mums do everday..yelling and bubbling. But its fun actualy. :)

..................Actualy I have lots of things to talk about.Its just I dont know where to start..hmmm ~.~ quite blurr myself....................

Oh yah.. So holiday is coming next week and so do Hari Raya and also Merdeka Day! Yay! I'm not that excited about the holiday part..Holiday means no school.No school means Adelya's having school holiday.Wait! does that sounds the same? =.= whatever.. haha.. why I'm not excited? Because when Adelya go to school,the house seems so calm a least for 4hours..dont count Aiden in because he's asleep until noon! So I'm kinda can relax and do housework and have my own time.So thats why ^.^

Talking about Aiden..I put him into a baby contest in Facebook (Please Vote for him!). and the vote still going excited about the contest. Aiden quite charming actualy..He can smile and laugh easily when you play with him.He just loves smilling and laughing. I took a lot of his pictures smilling. He dint cry that much. He loves his sister and very excited everytime Adelya sit and play with him.Both of them loves each other. Aiden already 4month now.He gain 2kg last month which makes him 10kgs now. And on the night he turn 4month,he can turn back on his tummy! haha.. He just so adorable..
Adelya is quite a good sister when its come to helping me taking care of Aiden.She will sing and tell a story to her little brother and Aiden just staring at her with excited eyes..Yes she is naughty,stuburn and hot temper sometimes..but she did a great job in taking care of her little brother..I loves her and her brother so much! muah! muah! muah!

Their father is rarely at home because he needs to work and have many things to do with his business...He's very busy..everyday..and only free on saturday afternoon and on Sunday where he spend all his time with us.I loves weekend because we can spend our times together..

hmm..I guess I gotta go now.I want take a nap for few minutes before get to do the chores and pack some stuff.See ya on next blog! daaa~

: writting a blog is quite fun..hehehe..loves it when i can talk much in here than facebook and twitter.But still,Facebook is 1st,Twitter is 2nd and blog in the 3rd place!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Testing 1, Testing 2, Testing 3.

Whatssup?! Naa~ I'm just trying to bloggie using my iPhone. Wanna see how is it going on on the computer later.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

My First Blog!

Hey ya~ Did ya see that??? I have BLOG~ (Welcome to 5 years ago!) 
LOL! I feel like an idiot for the first time here because I don't even know what should I do here.
Now,what should I say here? Oh Yeah! This blog is so cool.I can do anything I like. I can right? 
Well,I want to thanked my Bestie Angelina for helping me adding a song into my blog.Heheh..I will need her in this blog since I'm a new human in here. 
Did you guys like my background? I think the chicks are cute! I stil finding a pretty background for my blog.
My blog stil need more things in it and I don't realy have much time on it since I have to take care of my kids.
But I am sure will write everything here on my free time.I have a lot of things wanna talk about here.teheee :D
Got to go now.Aiden is cring for milk.Hehe..See ya soon!