Wednesday 3 August 2011

My First Blog!

Hey ya~ Did ya see that??? I have BLOG~ (Welcome to 5 years ago!) 
LOL! I feel like an idiot for the first time here because I don't even know what should I do here.
Now,what should I say here? Oh Yeah! This blog is so cool.I can do anything I like. I can right? 
Well,I want to thanked my Bestie Angelina for helping me adding a song into my blog.Heheh..I will need her in this blog since I'm a new human in here. 
Did you guys like my background? I think the chicks are cute! I stil finding a pretty background for my blog.
My blog stil need more things in it and I don't realy have much time on it since I have to take care of my kids.
But I am sure will write everything here on my free time.I have a lot of things wanna talk about here.teheee :D
Got to go now.Aiden is cring for milk.Hehe..See ya soon!


  1. welcome darl! hihihi....ok ka the song? :p

  2. i want to reply ur comment?Do I have to reply here also?heheh..Erm..I wanna change this song.Rasa mcm jemu jak dgr.hihihih..
